Another important function of the LoyalNET application is the ability to add news – interesting, important information enriched with graphics and a barcode. News / news are displayed to the client in the form of a list on the first tab, immediately after opening the application. After clicking on a given NEWS, the same picture and the full content of the message are displayed. This tab / tab can be named freely.
Funkcjonalność: wysyłanie aktualności

Unlike PUSH notifications, the news is:
- more extensive (graphics, content formatting, barcode),
- a less intrusive form of marketing because it is the customer who “decides” which messages he will read and which he considers not important.
The News Module is managed from the web application (from the cloud) – FIS Cloud. The administrator also has the option to set the date range of displaying a given news, thanks to which important information will be displayed only when they are active. An example of this is adding a barcode after scanning, which in the FIS-POS or FIS-POS Bistro application for Windows the customer will receive a discount of e.g. 10% on specific hours / days of the week. In this way, we can motivate the customer to make purchases at a time when the traffic in the company is low.
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